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Check the quota

To check the quota for your project you need to be: * the Service Account holder of the project

Log into lxplus, and run the eos command:

eos root:// quota /eos/project/<initial>/<project-name>

In the example, project swanee is using the quota as follows: 9.81 MB of the allowed 1.00 TB; 78 files of the allowed 1.00M files:

[swanee@lxplus701 ~]$ eos root:// quota /eos/project/s/swanee
# pre-configuring default route to /eos/user/s/swanee/
# -use $EOSHOME variable to override

By user:
┏━> Quota Node: /eos/project/
│user      │used bytes│logi bytes│used files│aval bytes│aval logib│aval files│ filled[%]│vol-status│ino-status│
 swanee       19.62 MB    9.81 MB         78    2.00 TB    1.00 TB     1.00 M     0.00 %         ok         ok

By group:
┏━> Quota Node: /eos/project/
│group     │used bytes│logi bytes│used files│aval bytes│aval logib│aval files│ filled[%]│vol-status│ino-status│
 def-cg      218.07 TB  109.04 TB    28.43 M        0 B        0 B          0   100.00 %    ignored    ignored

It is possible to define the EOS_MGM_URL=root:// variable beforehand. In which case, you would not need root:// in the EOS command.