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Windows: Samba (CIFS) access

From a Windows machine, you may want to access your CERNBox directly from the File Explorer, using the standard CIFS/SMB protocol. A cluster of Samba gateways is provided for this purpose.


This method only works within the CERN Local Area Network. If you need external online access, you may use the web browser or the WebDAV method.

  • Connect to the Samba gateways with Start --> Run --> \\cernbox-smb\eos\user

SAMBA connexion

You can also type the full path to your CERNBox, for example \\cernbox-smb\eos\user\d\duret

  • OR, you can change your Windows configuration by mapping your CERNBox to a Network drive, for example W:

SAMBA mount as network drive

Your files/folders are seen in the drive that you selected (in our example, SAMBA mount was on drive W):

SAMBA mount as network drive

Remember to disconnect when you have finished:

SAMBA mount as network drive

Samba mount a folder that was 'Shared with you'

It is possible to map a folder that was 'Shared with you' (ie shared with you using the Authenticated Share method).

  • Retrieve the EOS path of the SPECIFIC folder that was in 'Shared with you'. Go to the files that have been Shared with you

  • Using the EOS path, map it to another network drive (eg. Drive:T:) (as described above). NB: remember to replace all / with \, (eg.\\cernbox-smb\eos\user\g\gonzalhu\a_shared_folder).

This method also works for project spaces, where you would map a path such as \\eosproject-smb\eos\project\p\project_name\folder.

[danger] In all cases, please note that Windows shows that "Everyone has full control" if you look in the security settings of such folders. This is incorrect: permissions are properly enforced by the system according both to projects' e-groups when relevant, and to the sharing that you see in the CERNBox web interface!