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API access to data in CERNBox


This access method is reserved to developers and integrators, who need to interact with CERNBox and/or the underlying EOS storage from another service. End users should use the available regular access methods.

If you are a developer and your workflow requires programmatic access to CERNBox and/or EOS, you can follow these guidelines to automate specific actions.

Note that for large volumes of data, it is recommended to directly interact with EOS. See dealing with large data transfers for further details.

In the following, wget and curl are used to illustrate how to use the API.

Files or folders that have been shared via public links can be anonymously downloaded as follows:


If you have created a public link on a folder with edit or uploader rights, then the following allows you to anonymously upload content to that folder:

curl -T <some-file> -X PUT<public-link-hash>/<target-filename>

Note that for uploader links, the target file gets an extra hash appended to the name, to prevent collisions as the user does not have rights to list or overwrite existing content (see also sharing).

Protected shares

Files or folders under protected shares can be accessed using HTTP Basic authentication at the endpoint. This endpoint is accessible withint the CERN network only. For example:

wget --user <account> --password <password><account>/eos/<full-path-to-target>

Note that such a full path MUST contain <account> above the EOS path.

Similarly, it is possible to upload content to protected shares:

curl -T <some-file> -u <account>:<password> -X PUT<account>/eos/<full-path-to-target>

Share API

CERNBox implements the ownCloud Share API. This API is authenticated, and can be accessed at the endpoint via Basic Auth within the CERN network.